You are currently viewing 2 tasks to train on tactical microconcepts by position

2 tasks to train on tactical microconcepts by position

Firstly, it is important to contextualise the phases of which a high performance training session is composed of: Activation Sub-Phase, Activation Phase, Main Sub-Phase and Main Phase. In this article we will focus on the Activation Phase.

1. Microconcepts by position in activation phase:

This phase is often treated by coaches and/or fitness coaches as a part where the player has a space for conditional and coordinative preparation by increasing body temperature, increasing blood flow and visco-elasticity of the musculature, etc. In such a way that the content that is trained stimulate only the conditional, coordinative and mental structure.

Use of this time for the development of the complementary block of content”.

However, with the MBP method (añadir hipervinculo máster presencial y/o online) we also use this phase to not only prepare the player physiologically but also to introduce him cognitively to the content that will be developed in the later phases (and which will be the main objectives of the session). This is done in order to maintain vertical coherence between the training content throughout the session. How? By using this time for the development of the complementary block of content:

– Perception Skills
– Complexity Absorption Strategies

In this way, we are able to introduce tactical, technical and coordination micro-concepts of training that will help the player to achieve the training content that are covered in the Main Sub-Phase and Main Phase.

In addition, the repeated training of these concepts throughout the season will provide a greater motor and perceptive richness to the player, thus increasing individual development and adaption to our game model.

2. Tasks to train on tactical microconcepts by position

Next, we will contextualise the training tasks that we will explain later.

We would place the tasks in a Speed dynamic within an MD-2, due to the discontinuous nature of these tasks. The content to be worked on in the Main Phase are Individual Fundamentals by Position  related to attacking the area for attacking positions and Group Line Fundamentals and Individuals related to the moment of build-up of dynamic play and the moment of progression of our Game Model. So, the whole session will be position specific to optimise individual behaviours and relationships between players.

In order to introduce small concepts that will help in the subsequent achievement of the main objective, we will carry out 4 different tasks grouping the players by position.

1. Defensive Line. (Line Group Fundamental and SMS).

2. Full Backs and Wingers. (SMS)

3. Central Midfielders. (Perception Skills)

4. Forwards. (SMS)

The use of the entire pitch (11-a-side football) will be necessary as each task will be carried out in its specific playing area, as can be seen in the following image.

Captura de Tela 2023 08 22 as 10.52.10 2 tasks to train on tactical microconcepts by position MBP School of coaches

Below, we present the icons that will help us to understand the graphics of the training tasks.

Captura de Tela 2023 08 22 as 10.52.25 2 tasks to train on tactical microconcepts by position MBP School of coaches

The next training task we present to you is an Analytical Exercise for 3 to 6 players consisting of two variants, one for each side. Some of the concepts to work on are: fixing, overlapping, wall passes and dismarking. The task in question is a sequence of passes with the aim of finding a chance to cross in an analytical approach, so the concepts are coordinative.

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