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What 8 informational aspects must a coach know?

The key to success lies not only in tactics and skills on the pitch. Behind every winning team, every goal scored, and every productive training session lie secrets that only certain coaches understand and apply.

In this article, we will explore the eight informational aspects that a coach must master to reach the pinnacle of success and lead their team to victory. These aspects do not include on-field strategy, but effective communication, emotional management and the ability to inspire players.

The 8 Informational Aspects:

Body Language

Non-verbal language is a powerful tool in the hands of a coach. It can communicate a wide range of emotions and messages without uttering a word. A coach should be aware of his or her body language, which can be positive (clapping, smiling), neutral (calm gestures) or negative (frustration, angry gestures). Learning to use body language effectively can inspire players and boost team morale.

Encourage Self-Management

Coaches should not only teach tactics, but also encourage autonomous decision-making by the players. Providing decisional information involves guiding players towards the optimal response in game situations. This promotes reflection and autonomous decision-making during play, which is essential for success on the field.

Less is More

In a world full of distractions, keeping information short is essential. Coaches must communicate clearly, concisely, and directly. Whether in pre-match talks or training sessions, being brief ensures effective and valuable motor practice time.

Expectations that Drive ‘Success’

The Pygmalion effect is based on the expectations a coach has of their players. High expectations can boost team performance. Conveying confidence and high expectations to players can significantly improve their willingness and performance.

Constructive Feedback

When a player receives multiple negative feedback, the sandwich technique is essential. It consists of three key elements: a positive message (encouraging the player), a correction message (identifying mistakes) and an encouragement message (motivating the player for the next action). This technique promotes learning and improves the player’s confidence.

Reiteration of Information

Reiteration of feedback is key in skill development. Coaches can use feedback to reinforce players’ actions. It can be with or without content, but it always encourages understanding and learning. It is important to balance positive and negative reinforcement to match the level of the team.

Positivity in the Message

Verbal reinforcement, whether positive or negative, has a great impact on players’ performance. A ratio of 3:1 between positive and negative reinforcement is recommended to maintain a positive learning environment. This indicates whether the context is adapted to the level of the team.

A Constructive Approach

Scolding, such as shouting, offensive words or an excessively harsh tone, does not benefit the players or the team. Coaches should avoid such actions, as they can damage players’ confidence and well-being. Physical punishment is also not the solution to correct bad decisions or negative behaviour.


Football coaches are not only strategists on the pitch, but also communicators. Mastering these informational aspects can make a difference to team performance and morale.

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